Strategy Framework
A strategy framework is a foundational tool that provides a logical and ordered structure for thinking about and developing strategic plans. A good framework will help ensure that all important elements are considered and that the resulting program is cohesive and aligned with the organization's overall goals. There are many different frameworks available, each with its strengths and applicability depending on the organization's size, industry, and stage of development.

The most used frameworks include the following:
- The Balanced Scorecard is a performance management framework that ties organizational strategy to operational measures. The Balanced Scorecard has four main components: financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth. Each of these is further broken down into specific measures that can be tracked over time to ensure that the organization is on track to achieve its strategic objectives.
- The SWOT analysis is a classic strategic planning tool that assesses an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It can be used as a standalone tool or as part of a more comprehensive framework such as the Balanced Scorecard.
- The Chaos Theory of Strategy is a newer framework that considers the dynamism of the environment and the ever-changing nature of business competition. It emphasizes the need for organizations to be agile and adapt quickly to capitalize on new opportunities.
Phases of Strategy Framework From Financial Planning
- Financial planning - Organizations, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, need to create and adhere to budgets to maintain fiscal responsibility. Financial planning is forecasting an organization's future income and expenses to identify how much money the organization will have available both now and in the future. Various economic planning frameworks can help organizations create accurate projections. One popular tool is a cash flow statement, enabling you to track your inflows and outflows.
- Forecast based planning (FBP) - is a methodology for budgeting and forecasting that integrates statistical forecasts with critical assessments of future uncertainties. In a nutshell, it allows planners to account for variability in their estimates by using the information on past performance to create probability-based scenarios. This helps organizations avoid the pitfall of over-or under-investing in certain areas due to inaccurate predictions.
- Extremely oriented planning - One of the best things about extremely oriented planning is that it can be tailored to fit almost any goal or situation.
- Break your goal down into its simplest form.
- Break the steps required to achieve your goal into smaller, more manageable goals.
- Plan and track your progress, ensuring that you stay on track to reaching your destination.
- Strategic management is formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross - functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its desired outcomes. It is a vital function for all businesses. It allows leaders to make informed choices about where the company should head and how it can best capitalize on current opportunities. A successful strategic management process considers the internal and external environments in which the business operates, along with the company's strengths and weaknesses.
Areas of Strategic Framework

- Strategic framework with formulation - The formulation phase begins with selecting the most vital objective to focus on and ends with setting supporting initiatives. Aligning business strategy with execution is critical for long-term success. Once the strategy is formulated, it is developed, implemented, and evaluated.
- Strategic framework with a general idea - The framework usually begins with environmental scanning, in which the organization looks at its external environment and internal resources. After that, it will move on to goal setting and SWOT analysis, designed to help the organization identify its objectives.
- Strategic framework with the establishment - The business environment should be considered when developing the strategic framework. The external environment includes uncontrollable factors such as the political and economic conditions, while the internal environment includes factors such as resources, capabilities, and culture controllable by management. Analyses of both environments should be conducted to understand how they could impact the organization entirely.
- Resource allocation - Allocating resources is a critical function in business. How those resources are allocated can make or break a company. To make the best decisions about resource allocation, companies need to have a strategic framework. That framework should be based on the company's vision, mission, and values. It should also consider the competitive environment and the resources available to the company.
- Strategic development with development process - A strategic framework with a development process offers a comprehensive and structured way to develop an organization's strategy. It serves as the foundation for all strategic decision-making, provides a common understanding of how the organization will compete and grow, and allows formed-course corrections.
How To Build a Strategic Framework?

- Define your company's mission - The first step in developing a strategic framework is to define your company's mission. What business are you in? What value do you provide to customers? What unique selling proposition do you offer? Once you clearly understand your company's mission, you can begin developing your strategic plan's key areas.
- Identify your target market - Who are your ideal customers? What needs or problems does your company solve for them? Once you understand your target market well, you can begin developing marketing and sales strategies to reach those customers.
- Analyze your competition - Who are your top competitors? What are they doing that's working well? What are the areas with most competitive advantage? You can develop strategies to differentiate your company from the pack by understanding your competition.
- Assess your current strengths and weaknesses - Analyze your company's strengths and weaknesses. Define how you will capitalize on your strengths and work to improve upon your weaknesses. An honest evaluation of your company's strengths and weaknesses is essential in developing a successful strategic plan.
- Set long-term and short-term goals - What long-term goals do you hope to achieve with your strategic plan? What are the short-term goals that will help you reach those long-term objectives? By setting specific, measurable goals, you can track progress and ensure that everyone in the company is working towards the same purposes.