How to use Excel Portfolio Management Dashboard

Follow the below steps start using the Excel Portfolio Management Dashboard:

Project Portfolio dashboard provides an effective update on portfolio projects.

The Template has the following Key sections-

  • Delivery Roadmap (Auto Updated)
  • Project Health Card
  • Project Financials (Auto Updated)
  • Resource Allocation (Auto Updated)
  • Portfolio Risk Meter (Auto Updated)
  • Other Key Project Parameter (Auto Updated)

Delivery Roadmap:

  • Displays the delivery timeline of each project.
  • Edit the delivery timeline of each project in the data tab.
  • Each project in the timeline displays different colors to make it easy to visualize.

Project Health Card:

  • The project health card covers key project parameters - Schedule, Budget, Resources, Risks, and Issues.
  • Change the traffic light as per the priority of the project 1.for green 2.for amber and 3.for red.

Project Financials:

  • Project Financials displays the Planned Budget, Actual Budget, and Remaining Budget of each project.
  • Edit the data of the Financial graph in the data tab.

Resource Allocation :

  • Resource Allocation gives an idea of how many resources are allocated to each project.
  • Edit the data of the resource allocation graph in the data tab.

Portfolio Risk Meter :

  • Portfolio Risk Meter displays open risks for high, medium, and low severity.
  • Edit the data of the Portfolio Risk Meter graph in the data tab.

Other Key Projects Parameters :

  • Capture open issues, pending change requests, and action items.
  • Edit the data of each parameter in the data tab.