How to Use Multiple Project Dashboard
Multiple project dashboard built in PowerPoint shows portfolio status in very pictorial way. Let us see how to use this template by understanding step by step all its sections -
Project KPI's -
This is a first column in the template which lists the important KPI's example Schedule, Budget, Resources, Risks &Issues and Quality Metrics.Lets see these KPI's in details now.
Schedule -
This KPI is to display the status of the project in %. Arrows are displayed in RAG format to show status of project.
Budget -
Budget section shows the actual and planned finance of the project.They are showed in bar graphical fashion.
Resources -
This section represents the grahical way to show the resources of project.The number of red and green resources indicates its no. of short and equal resources.
Risks and Issues -
This section is designed in pie chart format to show case risks and issues. Again RAG pattern is used to show status.
Quality -
This section is basically for testing phase of the project. The quality metric chart displays the high issues as red, medium as amber and low issues as green.