How to use the Action Item Tracker Template
Follow the below steps start using the Action Item Tracker Template:
The first step in using the template is to list the action items' details and then use the template to track the action item's status regularly.
The Template has 2 tabs Action Item and Closed Action Item (Auto updated).
Action Item:
- Enter the action id, date opened and action items in respective columns in the template.
- Enter the Priority of the action item. (i.e, High, Medium Low)
- Enter the Due date on which date the action Item needs to complete.
- update the how much % action item is completed in the % completed the column.
- Update the status of the action Items i.e: Completed, In Progress, On Hold, Cancelled, Not started.
- Enter the completion date of the action item if the task is completed.
- Enter brief comments/notes if the action items are not completed on the targeted date. Keep the comment as short as possible.
- Refresh Button-when we click the refresh button then all the completed action items will move to the closed Actions Items tab.
Closed Action Item (Auto updated):
- Displays all completed action items.
- When we click the refresh button in the Action item tab then all the completed tasks will display in the Closed Actions Items tab.
Download Action Item Tracker Template