How to use the IT Support Ticket Template

Follow the below steps to start using IT Support Ticket Template.

This template has the following sections

  • Requested by: Specify the requested person name who raised the ticket.
  • Requested On: On which date ticket is raised.
  • Email: Specify the email who requested to solve the issue.
  • Telephone: Phone no. of the person who raised the ticket.
  • It System: Select categories from the drop-down in the field as per your requirement. e.g.: office-app, SAP, Skype, etc...
  • Assigned To: Specify the name of the person who needs to look into this issue.
  • Assigned On: On which date task is assigned to resolve the issue.
  • Status: Select the status of the ticket from the drop-down list i.e., Pending assigned, in process, Done, etc...
  • Issue Headline: Specify the keyword of the Issue.
  • Issue: Brief the Issue in this row.
  • Proposed Solution: Brief the Solution for the issue with the budget.
  • Proposed by: Name of the who proposed the solution for the issue.
  • Approval status: Select status of the ticket from the drop-down list in the field i.e., approved or Declined.
  • Approved On: Date on which you get the approval.
  • Approved by: Name of the approved Person.
  • Solution: Brief the Solution for the issue.