How To use the Task List Template

Follow the below steps to start using the Task List Templates.

Task List Template has the Two tabs Tasks and Employee.

Tasks tab:

  • Enter the Task Description and assign the Team Name who needs to perform the task in the respective column.
  • Update the Status of the Task, select the list from the drop down list in the field.
  • Enter the Start Date and End Date, Delay (days) is auto calculated depending upon the Start and End date.
  • Today's date column is auto Populated as per the date in your Location.
  • Enter the comments if required.

Employee tab:

  • Enter the Employee’s details i.e.: Name, Email id, Phone No., Role, Project, Division in respective columns.
  • Update the Task description, Date of Completion of the task, and Priority of task in respective columns.
  • Select the status of the task from the drop-down list in the field and update the comments if required.